50 hours since I last slept. I'd like to say that for a person who has severe sleeping habit issues, atw(.5) potentially stimulate two different results. First, his sleeping pattern gets even more messed up that he is able to sleep. Second, it gets worse. I'm the latter. and this makes sense because in order for my sleeping patter to get so messed up that it somehow solves itself, there lies a precondition that I can sleep on airplanes. and based on 20 years of experience, I can't.
Thus the 50 hours of non-sleeping. Actually I may have slept for about 1-1.5 hours on the plane..
I don't remember, but for sure I have to get used to this.
Plane Ride: Sunny and Boss
Wine- the first wine I had after leaving Japan. It was called "Bouxe", made in France. Didn't go too well with the miso soup.
At Guangzou Airport, I had a 3 hour waiting time. So I started my second book, called "Shuukatsu no Bakayarou", or "Stupid Job Hunting..." in English. I grabbed it from bookoff because I've heard of it and it was on the 105 yen shelf. On the flight I talked to the two guys next to me. Sunny and his boss. Sunny is 26, and the boss is..a man. Old man. They were really nice and told me ALL the places to go the BEST food in town. Exactly the information I was planning to gather on the streets. They told me contact them in Delhi and they'll take me to the best restaurant in town. I'm not sure if I'll still be in Delhi then.. Sunny bought a 2-liter Bacardi from duty-free, so they were drinking it on the plane (of course they hid the bacardi). Since drinks were free, they also got 4 beers together. They asked me what I wanted. "Wine, bitch"
China airlines |
Curry. The beer is Sunny's (cus he ordered 2 for himself) |
By the time I landed in New Delhi it was around 10pm. I quickly grabbed a taxi and headed over to a senpai's house. The ride was about 40 min long and 35 US Dollar. Not bad.. but I guess it was really hard for the driver, Mukes, to find the house, so he had to stop and ask different people on the street for direction. Feeling bad, I gave him 5 dollars extra. After that, he kept calling me "Japanese friend" and that I was "perfect". If I didn't know that I'm perfect already, I would of probably tipped him again.
Anyway, so I was lucky to have a nice guy. I've heard stories of sketchy drivers who would take the longest route possible and charge you double the price. Sukriya, Mukes.
Steps: 1548
Luckily I had a place to crash for the first night. He's a senpai I've known through soccer and kendo, and he's been in New Delhi for his job since about 4 months ago. Its most definitely the most luxurious stay I'll experience throughout the entire trip. Thank you senpai. Sukriya!
Steps: 1548
oishisouna food pictures yoroshikuuuu. :9
..tte nani? thank you? i love you?
wow i didnt know you can comment =) hehe im glad that ur doin goooooood. I think ima try to get my ticket soon!!! and ive been talkin with steven and he might be able to go!!!!! hehe we shall seeeee.
ReplyDeleteJulia sadashi, how you guys? Thanks for the comments, really one of the only motivators to keep writing this thing haha. Let me know if theres any omiyage preference! thought India and Kenya is too late..